This website is the ASHA Publishing journal house which can be accessed by anyone and this journal house publishes research and Community Service articles according to different scientific groups. If you are interested in publishing articles resulting from research and community service, please send the manuscript to a journal according to the theme of your article. We also hope that you can share this website link with your colleagues in the hope that the ASHA Publishing Journal house can contribute to sharing knowledge with society globally.




  • International Journal of Administration and Education (IJAE)

    International Journal of Administration and Education, with registered number ISSN 3046-7632 (Online), is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research and original points of view on education, such as school leadership and management, financial administration and resource management, educational facilities and infrastructure , curriculum development, program evaluation and assessment, implementation and management of guidance and counseling, and integration of technology in the teaching and learning process. IJAE is published by the publisher ASHA Publishing makes a significant contribution to bringing knowledge sharing from around the world. This includes large research projects located in schools, higher education institutions and non-governmental organizations.

  • Journal of Public Policy and Local Government (JPPLG)

    Journal of Public Policy and Local Government (JPPLG) is a journal with E-ISSN: 3047-6984 managed by ASHA Publishing which is engaged in publishing and publishing scientific papers. Therefore, the Journal of Public Policy and Local Government (JPPLG) accepts research manuscripts and literature reviews covering all forms of public policy.

  • Journal of Social Science and Economics (JOSSE)

    Journal of Social Sciences and Economics (JOSSE) e-ISSN: 3047-5007 managed and published by ASHA Publishing which focuses on research results on topics such as demography, public policy, education, health, environment, macro and micro economics, management, marketing , finance and matters related to aspects of social and economic disciplines. The Journal of Social Science and Economics (JOSSE) is published three times a year and has gone through a peer-review process which ensures the quality and validity of research results.

  • Journal of Educational Development and Learning (JEDAL)

    Journal of Educational Development and Learning (JEDAL) is a scientific publication that contains the results of research and studies in the field of education in the form of curriculum development, learning model development, educational technology development, improving the quality of learning, developing teaching materials, analyzing learning needs and developing online learning. This journal is published with e-ISSN: 3063-8844. It is hereby notified to readers who are interested in sending their scientific work that only manuscripts that meet the publication requirements of the Journal of Educational Development and Learning (JEDAL) will be accepted.

  • Jurnal Lamellong: Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (JLPM)

    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat merupakan salah satu cara para ilmuwan dan akademisi untuk menyalurkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kepada masyarakat, serta meningkatkan kualitas masyarakat. Melalui pengabdian kepada masyarakat, peneliti dan akademisi dapat mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat, serta mempererat hubungan dengan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, ruang lingkup naskah yang diterima Jurnal Lamellong: Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (JLPM) E-ISSN: 3047-6860 untuk diterbitkan meliputi hasil pengabdian di bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, hukum, perikanan, pertanian, dan kelautan. Hanya hasil pengabdian masyarakat saja yang layak dipublikasikan di Jurnal Lamellong: Pengabdian Masyarakat (JLPM). Silakan kirimkan naskah terbaik Anda.