Author Guidelines

The confirmation of the code of ethics for scientific publications is based on LIPI Regulation Number 5 of 2014 concerning the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications, which upholds 3 ethical values in publications, namely: (i) neutrality, free from conflicts of interest in the publication process. ; (ii) justice, giving the author the right to claim his written work; and (iii) Honesty, free from duplication, falsification, falsification and plagiarism (DF2P) in publications.

Duties and Responsibilities of Journal Processors

  1. Determining the journal title, research scope, period, and accreditation if necessary.
  2. Arrange the membership of the editorial committee.
  3. Defines the relationship between publishers, editors, experts, and other participants in the agreement.
  4. Confidential respect things, both for contributing researchers, authors/writers, editors, and experts.
  5. Implement norms and provisions regarding intellectual property rights, especially copyright.
  6. Study the journal policies and convey them to the author/writers.
  7.  Create a code of ethics guide for editors and experts.
  8. Publish journals regularly.
  9. Providing guarantees of the availability of funding sources for the continuity of journal publication.
  10. Network and marketing settings.
  11. Prepare permits and other legal matters.

Editor's Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Meets the requirements of readers and authors/writers.
  2. Striving to continuously improve the quality of publications.
  3. Implement processes to ensure the quality of published papers/articles.
  4. Promote freedom of opinion objectively.
  5. Maintain the integrity of the author's academic track record.
  6. Deliver corrections, clarifications, returns, and apologies if necessary.
  7. Responsible for the style and form of the writing, while the content and all statements written in the writing are the responsibility of the writer/author.
  8. Actively ask for opinions and suggestions from authors/authors, readers, experts, and editorial committees to improve the quality of publications.
  9. Promote assessment to the journal for each finding.
  10. Support the idea of reducing research and publication errors by asking authors/authors to attach an Ethical Permission form that has been approved by the Ethical Permission Commission.
  11. Participating in ideas to educate researchers about publication ethics.
  12. Study the impact of publication policies on authors/authors and experts and improve them to increase responsibility and minimize errors.
  13. Have an open attitude towards new ideas or other ideas that may conflict with personal views.
  14. Do not impose your views, the author's or third party's views which may result in making subjective decisions.
  15. Motivating authors/authors to make constructive improvements so that the publication is worthy.

Duties and responsibilities of experts

  1. Order the task of the editorial committee to review the paper and present the results to the editor to determine whether the paper is published correctly.
  2. Reviewers cannot review a paper that involves them directly or indirectly.
  3. Maintain the author's privacy by not publishing corrections, suggestions, and recommendations by providing criticism, suggestions, and recommendations.
  4. Encourage authors/writers to make improvements to their papers.
  5. Review papers that have been reviewed based on standards.
  6. Papers are reviewed in time based on prescribed scientific standard forms (Data collection methods, author permission, conclusions, etc.).

Duties and Responsibilities of the Author/author

  1. Ensure that the writer who registers has fulfilled the requirements as a writer.
  2. Collectively responsible for the profession and the content of the article including methods, analysis, calculations/measurements, and details.
  3. State the source (including funds) directly or indirectly.
  4. Explain the limitations of the writing.
  5. Respond to corrections provided by the expert professionally and on time.
  6. Notify the editor if he or she wishes to withdraw participation.
  7. Make a statement stating that the paper is original, has never been published in another publisher or another language, and is not in the process of being proposed to another publisher.